how to tie a ribbon around a box

The Smart Way To Answer That How To Tie A Ribbon Around A Box

Why Do We Need To Tie A Ribbon Around Custom Product Boxes?

Tying ribbons around custom tie boxes serves multiple purposes and provides several benefits that make it an important practice for brands at special events. However, sometimes the brands just add ribbons to their simple boxes to enhance their beauty and outlook. This practice would also lead the brands to endow an occasional as well as event-specific look to the custom gift boxes. 

So, here are a few reasons that elaborate why brands need to know how to tie a ribbon around the box. 

custom tie boxes

Decoration With Ribbon Looks Classy And Prestigious.

Firstly, the ribbons are used on the custom retail boxes as the presence of a ribbon adds an aesthetic appeal to the packaging. So, it would instantly enhance the overall presentation of the product and makes it more visually appealing. However, when it comes to tying a ribbon around the custom gift boxes, then brands are also free to choose the following features of the ribbon 

  • Ribbon’s color as per the product and brand needs.
  • Texture and design of the ribbons.
  • Style can be customized to match the branding or themes of events.  

So, if the brands choose these features as per their packaging requirements, then it would further help in reinforcing the brand identity and leaving an unforgettable impression on the viewers. So, in this way, the ribbons add a decorative touch to the boxes. 

Endow The Adornment Yet Protective Look With Simple Packaging

We all know that the ribbon serves both purposes that include the good looks as well as a seal of the packaging. So, the ribbons on the tie packaging boxes ensure the product’s integrity and security. And that is the reason that by securely tying the ribbons, the product would not damage during transit, and it would also assure customers that their purchase is in perfect condition.

Additionally, tying a ribbon around the custom product boxes also acts as a functional handle, making it easier to carry or transport the product to the end-users. However, it adds convenience for both the customer and the delivery personnel, ensuring that the item arrives safely at its destination.

ribbon around a box

Make Custom Tie Boxes Relevant To The Gift Purpose

Gifts are always used to exchange some special functions and events; however, the act of untying a ribbon creates a sense of anticipation and excitement for loved ones. So, the boxes with ribbons add a touch of excitement and elevate the unboxing experience by making it more memorable. Therefore the addition of ribbons on the custom gift boxes can be particularly valuable for gift items or special occasions where the element of surprise and delight is crucial.

Moreover, the simple act of tying a ribbon around a tie gift box serves various functions, for example.

  • Make the gifts visually appealing. 
  • Enhance the functional value. 
  • Decorative ribbon enhances the packaging by providing a sense of security that would also upgrade the overall customer experience.

These reasons make the brands bound to select the ribbons for the decoration of their wholesale tie boxes with the ribbons and fancy fabric flowers, and bows. 

Few Amazing Ways To Tie A Ribbon Around Boxes

Now after reading the discussion brands are well aware of the fact that the brands need to use ribbons for creating the decorative look of their tie gift boxes. Now the brands need to know how to tie a ribbon around a box so that they brands would be able to add a professional touch to the look of their product packaging. 

For this reason, here we discuss some amazing methods or ways to tie the ribbons around the boxes. 

Make The Bow Ribbon And Create Flowers For The Ribbon

The first and foremost method that adds a classy look to the custom tie boxes is making the bow of the ribbons. It is one of the most traditional practices to decorate custom product boxes for events. However, the bows of the ribbons depict that this particular box is for gift purposes, and this is the reason most, at cooperating events and various occasions, the gift boxes are found with ribbons.

Moreover, creating flowers out of ribbon to adorn custom tie boxes is a delightful and creative way to enhance the custom tie boxes visually. So, these ribbon flowers can be handmade and customized to match the theme, color scheme, or branding of the product or events. Here is a complete step-by-step guideline about how you can create beautiful ribbon flowers:

wholesale tie ribbon boxes

1. Selection Of The Right Ribbon For Custom Gift Boxes

The first step is to choose a ribbon that complements the box and the overall aesthetic that the brand wants to add to its boxes. However, numbers of options are available in fabric like Satin, organza, or grosgrain that would work well for creating flowers due to their flexibility and texture. And these flowers would endow a professional look to the gifts. 

2. Cut The Ribbon According To Your Required Size

Determine the desired size of your flower that you want to paste or attach to the tie packaging boxes and cut the ribbon accordingly. However, the longer lengths allow for more elaborate flowers, while shorter lengths create small flowers.

3. Create Loops To Make The Petals Of The Ribbon

Petals are created by taking one end of the ribbon and folding it over to form a loop. However, you are required to hold the loop with your fingers or secure it with a clip or pin.

4. Make More Loops To Form A Complete Look Of Flowers

Now you need to continue making loops with the ribbon, stacking them on top of each other to form petals. And the number of loops will depend on the fullness and size of the flower you want to create. You can also experiment with different floweer sizes and shapes to achieve the desired effect.

5. Secure The Loops To Secure The Flower From Opening

Once you have formed enough loops, secure them in the center using a thread or thin wire. This step would make sure the loops are tightly held together to maintain the flower’s shape.

custom printed tie ribbon boxes

Creating ribbon flowers for custom tie boxes adds an extra touch of elegance, whimsy, and personalization to the packaging. So, it would showcase attention to detail and creativity, making the unboxing experience even more special for the recipient.

Final Thoughts

All the discussion elaborates that the ribbons would enhance the overall look of the wholesale tie boxes, and these are particularly used for gift packaging. So, concern yourself with the right seller of the custom tie boxes who offer you to annex the ribbons to your packaging as per your needs. 

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